According to figures from the International Labor Organization, the majority of trafficking victims are between the ages of18 and24. 国际劳动组织公布的数字显示,被拐骗的人口年龄通常在18到24岁。
This paper draws lessons from the relevant explanation of international labor organization, defines the concept of obtainable employment informally, in order to provide the countermeasure and suggestion from statistical method and policy aspect against the question existing in informal employment at present. 借鉴国际劳工组织的相关解释,对非正规就业概念进行界定,有利于针对目前我国非正规就业存在的问题,从统计方法上和政策层面上给出对策建议。
The International Labor Organization points to increases in the unemployed, the working poor and people whose jobs are likely to be cut. 国际劳工组织指出,失业人口、低收入者和面临失业风险的人的增加是导致这一问题的重要原因。
Labor standards constituted by the International Labor Organization is the most authoritative considered by the world, and becomes standard writ for every country gradually. 国际劳工组织制定的劳工标准在国际上被认为具有高度的权威地位,日益成为各国制定法律法规的标准文书。
A new study by the International Labor Organization showed that American teenagers work far more than teenagers in most other countries. 国际劳工组织的一项新研究表明,美国青少年打工的人数远远超过大多数其他国家的青少年。
It has jointly launched the project with the International Labor Organization ( ILO) and the United States Department of Labor ( USDOL). 这个项目是由中国劳动保障部与国际劳工组织和美国劳工部联合发起的。
The Comparative Research of the Key Labor Standard of the International Labor Organization and Some Labor Law of Our Country 国际劳工组织的核心劳工标准与我国有关劳动立法的比较研究
Since the concept "informal unemployment" was made clear by International Labor Organization ( ILO), many economists and sociologists have explored informal employment profitably according to society background of their own countries. 自国际劳工组织(ILO)明确非正规就业的提法以来,许多经济学家和社会学家从本国的社会背景出发,对非正规就业进行了有益的探索。
Firstly, as a member state of International Labor Organization, we have the obligation to observe the Core Labor Standards of freedom of association. 一是作为国际劳工组织成员,我们有遵守自由结社的劳工标准的义务。
It is the common concern of the governments and international institutions such as World Bank ( WB) and International Labor Organization ( ILO), that what can we do to operate basic pension fund effective. 如何实现基本养老保险基金的高效率的运转是世界各国和世界银行、国际劳工组织等国际组织共同研究的课题。
Unemployment is the great world-wide social economic problem, International Labor Organization in research paper named 《 1996-1997 world employment problem 》 points out: Population of unemployment and half-unemployment nears to 10 billion which equals to 30% world labor forces. 失业是世界性的重大社会经济问题,国际劳工组织在《1996~1997世界就业问题》的研究报告中指出:全球失业和半失业人口接近10亿,相当于全世界劳动人口的30%。
This theory was affirmed by United Nations International Labor Organization, and was applied effectively in developing countries. 该理论受到联合国国际劳工局的肯定和支持,并且在发展中国家得到了富有成效的应用。
To satisfy the urgent demand of all countries for the information about labor force market, the International Labor Organization worked out the main index system of international labor force market in 2000 to enhance the measuring of the labor force market and the comparison among nations. 国际劳工局为满足各国对劳动力市场信息的迫切需要,在2000年提出国际劳动力市场主要指标体系,加强了对世界各国劳动力市场运行状况的衡量和国家之间的对比。
As the member states of World Trade Organization and the original country of International Labor Organization, China should treat the issue of labor standard scrupulously, because it will exit for a long time and may become topics of one new round of negotiations of WTO. 作为世贸组织成员国和国际劳工组织创始国的中国对劳工标准问题应审慎对待,因为这一问题将长期存在,并有可能成为WTO新一轮谈判的议题。
The second chapter introduces the legislation regulation of the international community about the labor rights protection, it is the basic of the developed countries implement the blue trade measures, including the World Trade Organization, the International Labor Organization and various social forces. 第二部分介绍国际社会关于劳工权益保护的相关立法规定,也就是发达国家实施蓝色贸易措施的依据,包括世界贸易组织、国际劳工组织和各种社会力量。
As one of the member countries of International Labor Organization, decent work has also been the important subject of Chinese social concern. 作为国际劳工组织成员国之一,体面劳动也成为我国社会关注的重要议题。
International Labor Organization in 2001 at global employment forum through "Global Employment Agenda" proposed explicitly that, 'The work is a core which the people live. 国际劳工组织在2001年全球就业论坛上通过的《全球就业议程》明确提出:工作是人们生活的核心。
Occupational safety and health has been one of the attentions of the International Labor Organization. 职业安全卫生工作一直是国际劳工组织关注的重点之一。
Moreover, they should show their support to other normative CSR standards such as ILO ( International Labor Organization) conversions, labor laws and UN Global compact. 此外,他们应该拿出支持其他规范性企业社会责任标准,如国际劳工组织(ILO)合约,劳动法和联合国全球合约。
《 International Labor Organization declaration 》 point out: "Have no society stability, the development that have no society; But have no social security system, the stability that have no society". 《国际劳工组织宣言》指出:没有社会的安定,就没有社会的发展;而没有社会保障,就没有社会的安定。
The first standard is the core labor right standards, also called "core labor standards", referring to the rights included in eight ILO ( the International Labor Organization) Conventions. 第一个标准是核心劳工权利标准,也叫做核心劳工标准,指的是包含在国际劳工组织8个公约中的权利。
According to the International Labor Organization in 1948, "Employment Service Convention," people have the right to unemployment assistance from the government. 根据国际劳动组织1948年《就业服务公约》,人们在失业时有权从政府获得帮助。
How to eliminate employment discrimination has become the common concern by States and the International Labor Organization. 如何消除就业歧视也就成了各国和国际劳工组织所共同关心并致力解决的问题。
Occupational safety and health right is the most important one of labor rights, to protect the life and health of workers. The international labor organization and the western developed countries 'legislation have come in the special and detailed rules. 职业安全卫生权是劳动权的重要子权利,以保护劳动者的生命健康为载体。国际劳工组织和西方发达国家的立法对此都有专门、详细的规定。
According to the Convention on ( employment and occupation) Discrimination ( Convention No. 111) released by the International Labor Organization, discrimination of all degrees in employment has become a world wide problem in both developed and developing countries. 国际劳工组织核心公约之一的《歧视(就业与职业)公约》(第111号公约)指出,就业歧视已成为一个世界性问题,无论发达国家还是发展中国家,都不程度地存在着。
United Nations report in 1994, according to research by the International Labor Organization showed: "The world is going to be a world full of tension." Research on occupational stress has become basic issues which professional medical pay widespread attention to. 1994年联合国报告根据世界劳工组织的研究指出:世界正在变成充满紧张的世界。对职业紧张的研究,已成为职业医学界广泛关注的基础性议题。
Decent work was first put forward by International Labor Organization, designed to protect the workers 'basic rights all over the world. 体面劳动由国际劳工组织首次提出,旨在维护全世界劳动者的各项基本权利。
International labor organization labor disputes resolution mechanism mainly includes prevention mechanism and relief mechanism, which provides the basis for countries to create domestic legislation. 国际劳工组织制定的国际劳工标准对劳资纠纷的处理主要包括预防机制和救济机制,为实体国家制定国内劳工立法提供参考依据。